Wednesday 25 July 2012

Crochet Book Love

I have been waiting and waiting to write this post for what seems like ages!!! It all started when I was given two crochet books for my birthday by the lovely Mother (the two taller books on the left hand side), Crochet Workshop by Erika Knight, and 50 Ripple Stitches by Darla Sims. Oh my golly gosh!! They are jam packed full of interesting, lovely, fascinating, beautiful (I could go on...) ideas!!

The above photos are from the Crochet Workshop book and I really love the little coasters. Do you think Ziggy would like me to make him a cat basket? The basket is made from strips of fabric instead of wool- imagine the size of the hook needed!!

I really love the Violets pattern from the ripple book- it's just soooo pretty!! Here, have a closer peek...

I thought I'd try out a few other patterns first, although I have to admit, I'm only just starting this one and it kind of has me stumped!!

The Mother says I should persevere and work it out....or I may just chicken out and try another pattern get into the swing of things you know....?
Hmm, anyway, these two books gave me a serious case of the wanties- I wanted (no needed!) more crochet books that I could delve in at any time for inspiration. I love looking on the internet and at blogs for ideas, but there is something about owning a book, holding it, flicking through the pages- you know what I mean? Of course, I often have to go on the internet to accompany the book reading as I often find myself looking up ways of doing new stitches (a surprising number of lovely American ladies doing all the crochet demos on Youtube), but now I'm rambling; what I'm trying to say is that good ol' Amazon came up trumps and with a few clicks I found myself the brand new owner of not one but TWO new crochet books!! Totally fab!

The first one to arrive (they didn't come on the same day so the excitement continued) was 100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet by Lesley Stanfield. If you click on the link it will take you to the Amazon page and you can do the fabulously clever 'looking through a few of the pages to whet your appetites'. It is a really lovely book, with so many flowers! At the front are the knitted things  and then at the back are the crocheted things.

I've already made one of the butterflies from this book, and have released it into the garden. Look at it go!!

This book appears to be part of a series, which The Mother made the mistake of telling me about--- there may now be two more books on order...check out here and here.

My final book is 200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws and Afghans: Crochet Squares to Mix-and-Match by Jan Eaton. I fell in love with this book when I realised that not only is it chocca with gorgeous granny square patterns, but it also encourages you to mix and match! An idea which has never occurred to me before, daft though that is!

I am very taken with these corner blocks- such a genius idea!!

So I hope you enjoyed looking through my new books with me. I now have so many ideas buzzing around in my brain I haven't a clue where to start!! Plus I still have the hexes to finish!!

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