Saturday 2 March 2013

Spring Flowers

We have some lovely flowers popping up in the garden at the moment, our first crocuses, a unidentified purple flower and the same snowdrops I showed you a few weeks ago.

The sky was a perfectly glorious colour this afternoon! I spent some time outside in the sunshine just enjoying the feeling of Spring. It was even warm!

I don't suppose any of you know what this poor half eaten plant is? There are two that have popped up and to me they look vaguely like tulips but they are very short so I'm not sure. Will be interesting to see what it develops into. I've had to put slug repellent down to try and keep the slimy things away!

We have Spring blooming indoors as well!

This morning I revamped a bunch of flowers one of the housemates got for Valentines Day. They were looking a bit sad so I took out all the dead flowers and rearranged the still beautiful ones in some sugary water. They really add a pop of colour to the kitchen!

Look how lovely they are next to my happy daffys!

Even my Cineraria has found it in itself to have another go at flowering. I still can't understand why it loses all it's leaves though!

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