Sunday 14 December 2014

Snuggled Up Warm

Brrr it was frosty this morning!! I had to go in to work for a special Christmas open Sunday- thankfully though we opened much later so I could leave home in the daylight. The Parents very kindly gave me a lift in and when we left the house at about 10am, there was still a thick frost everywhere.

I love how it adds a white sparkle to everything.

It looks almost fluffy don't you think?

It is nice and cosy inside at the moment as we put up the tree yesterday evening. It is a big family affair, with Christmas music, the beginning of the chocolate bowl and ginger ale. All family members participate (except Dad whose contribution involves sitting in the room and pretending not to notice anything), including the cats who are both bemused but intrigued by everything.

It is always so lovely to delve inside the great big blanket box and find all of the Christmas decorations, remembering where each one came from and whereabouts on the tree they usually live.

Of course there are lots of the laser cut wooden decorations that I made for fund-raising purposes with my Mixed Media class at university last year.

I have also put up my little university tree in the kitchen so for the first time we are a 'two-tree-household'!

Ziggy enjoys the packaging more than anything I think. Nice big boxes to hide in and play on- especially when fluffy red things are involved.

Yup, Ziggy likes Christmas.

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