How To's

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Rusted Rubble

I am on an ATC roll at the moment, having finished both the 'Made with Wool' and the 'Rust' swap.
The 'Made with Wool' one was easy as last year I had a massive thing for needle felting and had made lots of ATCs using this technique. As I had two that were suitable for this swap I only needed to make one more to finish it.

The colours for this one are slightly different to the other two as I couldn't find any of the same fleece, however as they are all going to different people then it shouldn't matter. I just hope they like them!

I have also made my rust ATCs. I found this swap a bit of a challenge as I sort of feel the need to make the cards pretty and nice to look at but the instructions were to use something that had rusted, make something rusty or use a form of rusting powder. As I can't afford to buy any rusting powder I googled Rust ATCs- really interesting actually, some of the ideas people come up with!
I eventually came up with the idea of going for a walk and seeing what rusty things I could find, the majority of which seemed to be old beer bottle tops, which had been nicely squished by cars leaving them mostly flat with frilled edges. (I did wash them before I used them!)
These were generally found in patches of dirt which gave me my idea for the background on the cards. Mixing together sand, metallic bronze paint, glue and some other acrylic paints I painted the cards, laid the bottle tops on top and then painted some more of the gloop around them to fix. They took ages to dry and are definitely not pretty but the more I look at them the more I like them.
Can't wait to see what 'pretty' cards the others have come up with!


And finally, I recieved another ATC from an unexpected source- I may have previously mentioned that my group has a swap shop for books and materials. I had asked for two books from one of the ladies and she sent me a lovely card along with them!

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