How To's

Sunday 11 December 2011

An Autumnal Trend Board

Regular readers will know all about my treasure box, which is essentially a box full of pictures, photos, postcard, fabric scraps etc etc that I like.
It was made specially for my Textiles course and recently we have been using it to inspire a trend board (which will be entered into a competition!!).
We had to look through our inspirations and decide on a theme and colour palette based on the images. I have quite a lot of autumnal themed pictures of colourful trees and leaves etc so I decided to go with that.
Naming the colours for my colour palettes was quite fun- I had to get my English student friend to help me come up with interesting names (she is especially proud of 'Shepherd's Delight'.

My final colour palette- and then translated below onto a computer.

I liked this colour palette on the computer, however when printed out, the colours looked slightly different- especially the more blue/green ones so I had to redo them slightly.

Once we had our colour palette we had to dive once more into our treasure boxes and come up with images that worked together and would get across your concept and colours.
Now, you may think that this is easy- but I can tell you now that it isn't. We had a guest lecturer come and do a workshop with us to help with the boards, and apparently each image has to show something different. You need an image with the colours in, one with textures, one with depth and feeling and at least one that shows what you are looking at (fashion or interiors). The more variety the better.
Then you have to work to an outer boarder, so not working from the middle out as it looks better with neat edges etc etc so there is a lot to think about and it has taken me the majority of the day sitting on the floor surrounded by images and cursing at them all for not fitting together properly.
I think I have managed a passable board though which is good!

It's got some vases and interior based products, a very textural painting, some architecture that shows depth and distance, some autumnal berries, pears and twigs! Hopefully the tutors will agree because I don't want to do it again!

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