How To's

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Sew Stitchy Fabric Art

Afternoon All!!! These are my newly finished Red ATCs for the monthly colour swap. Please notice the date of this post because I am eArLy!!!! Actually early with sending off my swap contributions, rather than profusely apologising and begging forgiveness which is what usually happens. 

 Whilst we are on the topic of monthly swaps, I am currently in the process of trying to set up a new ATC swapping group, with more emphasis on fabric swaps, looking at different techniques, fabrics, stitches etc. Hopefully I can drum up enough interest in my new endeavour because it really is something I think all crafty/creative/talented people should do, especially those who are busy as you really can fit it around your day job and busy lives without it being a really strenuous commitment (and if you are late like me, then so what? Everyone else is probably doing the same thing!).
So the group is called Sew Stitchy Fabric Art, and is currently based on Facebook, so if you are interested then click on the link for that and see what you think (liking the page isn't an un-escapable commitment). If you don't have Facebook then don't worry- leave a comment on this post and follow my blog so you don't miss anything, and all details of upcoming swaps or events will be posted here. It really is very simple!

If you are still unsure, then let me run you through a typical swap:- a theme or idea is created (for instance, a set of 3 ATCs with a beach theme), a host volunteers, gives out their address (no addresses will be posted on this blog, private messaging for private details) and sets a deadline about 6 weeks away. You are then free to give it all your creative thought and use whatever techniques you like to create your ATCs, with your own interpretation of the theme. Everybody who has joined up for the swap sends to the host, including in the envelope a self addressed and stamped envelope. After the deadline (and everyone has handed in), the host swaps around all of the cards and sends back 3 ATCs from different people so you can enjoy looking, feeling and discussing other people's work.

If that sounds like fun to you then please join up!! It would be great to see you there and share beautiful art with you all. =D xxx

1 comment:

  1. I really like these red ATCs - I think it is the shape of the ribbons and the way the beads nestle in against them.
    I will TRY to make some ATCs but I do not always have the time - inspire me!
