How To's

Tuesday 25 June 2013

This Morning

Morning Everyone! My complaints about the weather in my last post seem to have worked as today is (so far) bathed in sunshine! So much better than the dreary dullness of the past few days. Coffee on the back step was calling to me.

I feel I should show you the back step from a different angle as I am always showing you my viewpoints of the garden. The steps are framed with pots brimming with allysum, roses and some other plants I don't know the names of.

In the basket is my current project, just started in its baby stages. This one is going to be a completely different colour scheme to the previous two, with many more hOt colours to draw the eye.

Now Kit isn't much of a sun lover, probably to do with the colour of his coat making him overheat quicker, but even he was persuaded to sit in the sunshine for a bit this morning- which he duly did whilst performing the most amazing acrobatic movements. Watching cats clean themselves (especially elderly, podgy, slightly arthritic ones) is fascinating!


The first lily has burst open (Dad will be pleased) and is already a regular bee attraction. It fits in rather well with the colour scheme for my stitch sampler actually.


And recently I did my own share of gardening, re-potting the rose I bought at the South of England Show a few weeks back. It was starting to look pitifully cramped and unhappy in the original pot, so it was moved to a bigger home, and will probably be found a place in the flowerbed when it has outgrown that.

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