How To's

Saturday 19 October 2013

Post & Projects

Look Look Look!!!! My Christmas Cactus is flowering again!! I am so pleased with this little plant, it doesn't seem to mind that it lives in a very dull room and doesn't get watered often; it travels around with me between houses without even a dropped leaf!! And it flowers about twice a year for me, which is all I can ask for really.

It is horrible and gloomy here, I've had to try and take photos whilst sitting on the doorstep of the utility room because it is the lightest place I can find and even then it isn't very bright so I apologise for the following photos as they might be a bit dull.
 (By Eileen)                                                 (By Paula)
ATCs!!! Let me talk to you about ATCs. I so love these little cards and it is always a surprise when they come through in the post (usually because I have forgotten that I have sent some away), and they are always beautifully made/crafted/designed by very talented ladies. This weekend has been fabulous because I have had nine returns in the last two days!!! The ones above and the one below are part of the Beach Hut swap.

 (By Hazel)
The Brown & Gold Swap:

 (By Annie)                                               (By Alison)
 (By Paula)
The September (Seasons of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness) Swap:

 (By Hazel)                                               (By Paula)

(By Wendy)
And so some swaps come to an end and others are nearing end of production!!! I have been working very hard on this years special Christmas swap, you may remember last year the group worked together to create a patchwork wall hanging? (My pieces are here, and the returned pieces, here) This year is a row of Christmassy houses and I am thoroughly enjoying it!!! Currently I have finished two and have nearly finished the third with only one more to go!! Can't wait to stitch together my Christmas street!

I have also been working on another monthly project, you remember myself and The Mother signed up for the Sew & Stitch magazine? It comes out on a weekly basis but because we subscribed we get monthly packs instead and mine came the other day with the first lot of free gifts!!! Hugely exciting!!

I think my favourite bit was the folder as I have really enjoyed organising all my magazines and putting in wallets to hold all the fabrics and threads that come with each issue! I do like to be organised.

So issue two was a ribbon patch.

And issue three was a bunting patch (which isn't quite finished in these photos, it now has all of the triangles properly sewn on and some birds in the distance).

Can't wait for next month's package!!!

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