How To's

Sunday 3 August 2014

Free Giveaway Design Reveal!

I am very excited. Very eXcItEd indeed!! For I have finished embroidering the giveaway design!! It took me a while to think of what words to write, what phrase might be best, but then I settled on a golden oldie and am really pleased that I did.

This hooped piece uses a lot of my favourite stitches, blanket stitch, whip stitch, detached chain, back stitch, kantha stitch, french knots.... the usual suspects (I should probably flick through an embroidery book and start using some others as well).

I really enjoy including buttons into my design. They add a whole new texture, dimension and, well, shine!! Just using threads can look quite samey to the eye but add in a slightly pearlescent button and you are away!

Have you guessed what the words are yet? Shall I show you?

Ah ok then, here it is, the embroidery I am simply gIvInG away!







So what do you think? Do you like it? Would you like it? Don't forget to enter my giveaway by commenting below, or popping onto my Facebook page for all of the relevant details.

Of course, something must still be done about the frame (which is a 10 inch by the way). I have been working on wrapping my hoops to frame the embroideries as they are, in their hoops.
You might recognise this design...

...which I had laced onto a square piece of card to be framed- but I didn't like it. Now that I have unlaced it and framed it in a hoop it looks so much better! If they are designed in circles then they should stay as a circle will be my motto from now on I think.

Wrapping the hoop is really easy and quite quick really. Plus you can play around with fabrics and colours until you find the one that works best. I now have a collection of 12 inch hoops (which is what this size is) that are already wrapped and waiting for an embroidery to be framed in the middle.

The back is quite simple to do as well, just cut off the excess fabric, whizz round a running stitch, pull tight and secure. I think I will stitch a circle of felt to the back just to neaten it up nicely. So there we have it!! Do enter my giveaway, the more the merrier!!