How To's

Friday 8 August 2014

Not-So-Sunny Stitches

We have another sunflower!! The second of our garden bird planted sunflowers finally finished unfurling it's petals this morning. I just think the entire process is utterly amazing- it astonishes me every time!

It started opening just about the same time as I was finishing off my own little stitched sunflower.

It is one of two sunflower designs I have done and took me quite a while to finish! I kept the petals mostly clear and linear to try and portray the delicacy of the petals, but for the middle...I went all out!

It is really dense stitching with close laid french knots and bullion knots and a sort of elaborate star/eyelet stitch thing in the middle. I don't really know if that effect actually has a specific name. It was an enjoyable thing to stitch, although I will have to remember to start using a thimble as the knots really started to hurt my fingers!
Currently in an 8 inch hoop, all I need to do now is wrap the hoop in a nice green fabric and it will end up in my Etsy shop!

I have saved myself some time and already wrapped several 10 and 12 inch hoops, which I have found really helps to inspire colour themes. This is a second version of my Let It Be design, with the thread colours inspired by the print wrapped around the hoop. Again, all I am waiting for is better light and it too will end up in my Etsy shop. (Did you know that there are already hoops for sale in my Dotty T shop?)

Ooo it did get dark here this afternoon!! It has been quite menacing all morning and then finally some really dark clouds loomed up and bucketed it down with huge raindrops!!!

Kit was all sorted in his makeshift hut. Until we discovered a hole in the umbrella that is....poor thing had to be rescued!

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