How To's

Saturday 5 March 2016

WPLUP:: Colourful Shoots

This morning I awoke to a beautifully sunny day. I know other parts of the country are under snow but for a few hours this morning it has been properly springlike. It has clouded over and is coming in dark now though so I am glad I hopped straight into shoes and the great outdoors earlier.

Little shoots are peeping up all over the garden. I know I go on about this a lot but its just so miraculous and welcome after the grey winter months that I cant help documenting the little changes over and over again. We have Grape Hyacinths in our pots, as well as proper Hyacinths popping out. I am very impressed with the poor, half eaten Hyacinth bulbs that were tossed into a bigger pot at the end of last year, having been bought in a supermarket the Spring before. Often supermarket Hyacinths will go on to leaf again the following year but come out blind, with no flowers. This one however, seems to laugh in the face of adversity, and even though slugs appear to have eaten away half of the bulb, it is still determined to put out a little flower. So cute.

In a trough we have Dad's tulips. He has been monitoring these very carefully so it is exciting to see so many start to push through the soil.

Our own mini Bluebell patch is also starting to flourish. This section of the garden is right outside our living room French doors so I can watch and appreciate this process from my chair. Seeing the bright green turn to this gorgeous purple/blue.

And protecting the Bluebells is this bush, which I am not sure of the name but puts out these tiny little white flowers which have the most delicious scent when you brush past.

In another trough we have lots of Snowdrops appearing, welcoming guests to our garden with their solemn nodding heads.

In my creative world I have the colourful shoots of a new blanket being created. After finishing my log cabin blanket I didn't want to be left with lots of half finished balls of wool, so decided to make little mini granny squares with the remainder of the wool, working through the wool balls until they have all been crocheted.

The colours look so lovely all jumbled up together, and they play slightly differently together being in block squares rather than rows built into a bigger piece.

Honestly, the trials and tribulations of being a blogger with a curious cat. No sooner had I turned my back to fetch something from the kitchen, the cat had decided to pre-emptively test the blanket for snuggleability.

I think it passes, even it is just little separate squares at the moment.

So I am working through my balls of wool, and will probably have a rummage through my stash to see if there are any other colours of Stylecraft wool I can add to the mix. Currently there are 139 little three round squares, they are so sweet and diddy.
I haven't been bothering too much with colour combinations (as usual), when one ball of wool runs out mid way through a square, I join in the next colour and carry on.

We shall see where this little project takes me!!

.................................................................Edit To Add.................................................................

I have amended this post to be March's Winter Project Link Up Post- hosted by Jen at Thistle Bear. Mainly because I had completely forgotten it was imminently looming and don't feel I have enough to qualify as a WPLUP post by the end of this weekend. If you are joining me from the party and are expecting to see my Log Cabin Blanket (as shown in the February post), then it is here, in all it's Ta-Daahing glory!! I just can't stop crocheting and every time we come around to a new party post, I have moved on to another blanket. I am pretty sure since the WPLUP started, I have started four blankets and completed three- it's a wonder my hands aren't on fire!!! Please do click on the links and see who else has joined the party!! xx


  1. Just popped over from the Winter party I am so impressed with the amount you get done, your needle is certainly on fire. Love the beautiful colours of your squares and look forward to seeing how you put them all together.

  2. Hi Beth, thanks for linking up. I loved seeing both your flowers and your lovely crocheted squares. The colors are very pretty and cheerful. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them!
