How To's

Saturday 26 March 2016

Easter Weekend

Hurrah!! The Easter weekend has arrived! I didn't have Good Friday off of work so my weekend is only 3 days long, but I'll take it! Last weekend I was up early getting ready for a Spring Fair with the Guides, to raise money for the district fund. Our stall was simple, we had a 'Guess How Many Eggs In The Jar' competition, and a 'Guess The Name Of The Bunny' competition. I had to take lots of Eastery props with me to try and bulk up our table and make it look pretty.

The guessing for the eggs was quite intense, lots of deliberating and tongues sticking out as people tried to do it mathematically or scientifically; counting the number of eggs over a certain area and then multiplying it by so many, then taking numbers away due to the curve of the jar- it was all very complicated. Others just threw caution to the wind with a wild guess. In the end it was won by one of our rainbows who guessed the nearest at 395. The total number was 371.
The rabbit wasn't quite as popular, no one guessed her exact name, Spring, but Daisy was a popular guess so we put all of the Daisy names into a hat to draw the winner.

We also had a 'Ping-A-Jar' game where the player has three ping pong balls and has to throw them into one of the jars. Easy you might wasn't easy!! The ping pong balls had a nasty habit of bouncing onto the rim of the jar and pinging off again. I think we had two winners in the whole time.

At home the Easter tree has gone up! Squeezed onto the end of the table amongst Dad's papers and a button jar. I think it looks quite at home there. I have bought some new decorations this year, inspired by a display I saw in a shop window. We have got a great shop near me call Jeremy's Home Store which sells all kinds of little knick knacks and presents and useful items. They currently have an Easter display which is a huge collection of curly twigs gathered together and suspended from the ceiling like a beam, then covered in their Easter decorations, flowers and pom poms- it looks amazing!

I haven't quite gone that far, but I did buy some of the flowers for the middle so the branches come out of a lovely colourful centre. I also got new painted plastic eggs to go with our little wooden ones, and some larger rabbit and egg wooden decorations. I think it looks quite sweet.

Do you have an Easter tree? What does yours look like?

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