How To's

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Olympia Knitting & Stitching Show

On Sunday The Parent's and I got up very early and hopped into the car just as the sun started peeping over the horizon. Dad was on taxi duty because The Mother and I were on our way to London, to the Knitting & Stitching Spring Show at Olympia. It was very exciting!! We caught a specially booked coach along with lots of other excited show-goers clutching bags of bags ready to be filled.
An hour and a half later we were there, waiting at the door to be let in and start our shopping!! The first stand we came across was Katie Essam, Contemporary Applied Art. I follow this lady on Facebook so it was really lovely to actually meet her in person, and The Mother bought one of her machine stitched chicken projects. She's well worth a gander through her website, her work is beautiful!!

We were very sensible as it was an all day thing so there was no rush, and slowly made our way once around the halls, making note of where we wanted to revisit and checking on our budget, then the second time around the buying really began in earnest! I admit I bought an awful lot of fat quarters and fabric squares, I just can't help myself- I love collecting them and playing with colours, seeing the juxtaposition of patterns in my fat quarter basket.
I will try and name a few of the shops I bought from, but won't be able to remember them all. The above three fabrics came from The Batik Guild I think- they are so beautiful, with slight gradients in colour and a washed space dye effect.

One of my favourite stands was Higgs & Higgs, for their presentation more than anything. They had quite a large square space, with shelves stacked high with blocks of fabric, but above them were lots of glowing lampshades all covered in the fabrics they were selling- it was so beautiful. The above fabrics came from them, although they had quite a lot of more modern looking cutsie prints or geometric patterned fabrics in pastels which were very interesting (not so much my style).

I think these two fabrics came from Euro Japan Links and are apparently authentically from Japan. I just love the gold in this fabric, it catches the light and outlines the flowers so prettily. Although the pattern is the same I love how the two colours in the background make it appear so different.

I had a bit of a blue moment standing in front of the fat quarter section of the Stitch Witch stand. Most of the above fabrics were from them, although I notice a Higgs & Higgs fabric has crept into this photo- the top left triangle spot print. Stitch Witch was at the Ardingly Quilt Festival The Mother and I went to a few weeks ago, along with a lot of the other stands at London. They are obviously all doing the rounds.

Such pretty little patterns. (It's a bit Wedgewood don't you think?)

I also bought some very cute little buttons. The ones spelling my name aren't buttons as such but mini letters which could be used as buttons. They are made of wood and have been covered in fabric before the letters were cut out, a very sweet idea.
Below are my beautiful heart and puss cat buttons. You don't often see wooden buttons like this- The Mother and I had a good rummage through the basket of buttons that these were in, and had to be very strict with ourselves on how many to buy as they came individually. So there we are!! A full days excitement whittled briefly into one post. At the end of the day we were exhausted but happy and everybody got back onto the coach clutching bursting bags of wools and fabrics and inspiration. Now I just have to make something out of it all!

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