How To's

Sunday 9 October 2016

Autumn Approacheth

Today has been a perfect Autumnal day- well so far at least, as I write this I can see great big black clouds looming over the treetops so it looks like a downpour is imminent. It's probably a good thing as the soil is generally quite dry around here and some rain might keep the remaining plants going for a little while longer.
This weekend has been one of celebration. The October season for our family is full of birthdays, one after another. Yesterday heralded the start of a seemingly endless chain of cakes, candles and singing as it was The Brother's birthday and we travelled up to Guildford to visit him in his University house to celebrate. It's only an hour and a half's drive up there but we got back quite late so this morning was a cause for a lie in, followed by a brisk Sunday walk to visit The Grandmother and mooch around her garden, picking the last of the apples and rhubarb, and foraging for some late season raspberries. I foresee crumble in our future. This afternoon we have been partying yet again for one of my Cousin's birthdays (his 21st) which is tomorrow, and have just got home to finally squeeze in some weekend relaxation in the last few Sunday hours.

The travel time and sitting-around-post-buffet time has allowed me to be able to stitch some more details into my Birch Trees Stitchscape which is coming along rather nicely I think. It's good to have a little portable project that can be slung into a bag with the tin of threads and useful items and carried out of the house and into the car at short notice. I'm currently trying to create a linear bark effect on my middle tree, and am testing out whip stitch in a pale brown colour over a running stitch in white; so far I am liking the effect it has created so I will continue for the rest of the tree. However, investment in more off white/cream/pale ochre/soft brown embroidery threads is definitely needed!

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