How To's

Saturday 10 February 2018

Sunshine On A Dreary Day

I'm starting to sense a pattern in the weather. Beautiful sunshine during the week and dismal, dreary drizzle at the weekends! I think this is probably just to make us aware that we are definitely still in Winter if we hadn't noticed the snow that fell at the beginning of this week.
Having recently arrived back from Iceland, which is under pretty deep snow, where life carries on as normal with the buses and cars ploughing gamely through the white encrusted roads, the chaos that was caused on Monday with the dusting of 'snow' on our own roads was almost laughable! My bus to work was cancelled one minute and then happening the next, with dire warnings of not being able to travel the lesser roads which hadn't been gritted. Wednesday was slightly heavier snow (although there wasn't a murmur from the bus company about cancelling) and it was very exciting to wake up to find the world so beautifully iced! I do like walking through snow and hearing the crunch, and had a very entertaining walk to the bus stop matching my footsteps to those already on the pathways so that it looked like a very strange person wearing odd shoes had jumped all the way. It's the little things.

I've been keeping rather sunny in my stitchscapes and this week's completed #inthehoop 'scape is very bright and happy with an abundance of joyful flowers at the bottom. I bought a rather fabulous fabric at the Ardingly Quilt Show which was covered in Chrysanthemums or Dahlias- I'm not enough of an expert to tell which is which. I have gone a little to town with this and absolutely covered each flower in detached chain stitches, bringing each little tiny petal to life. I've also played with colour and thickness, using a different weight of thread, from Styleline Special DK acrylic yarn (splitting the strands and using either one or two together), to the customary stranded embroidery threads in various colours, again using either two or three strands together. It's been such fun!

The different colours kind of match those underneath but the placement of them is quite random and I think they have worked really well to give a three-dimensional appearance. These flowers quite literally POP out of the hoop!

Further up we have seed stitch lemons, and fly stitch/back stitch leaves, bullion knots, satin stitch buds and back stitch leaves, french knots, running (kantha) stitch, more bullions and more satin and back stitches. The top is a lot simpler compared to the bottom which is fine for me. I love how the colours work so well together with the different shades of green mirroring the different shades of yellow repeated throughout the layers.

I am up to thirteen completed #inthehoop stitchscapes! These photos I really love as they almost reflect the seasons going across with Spring on the left hand side, moving through warm Summer days and the turn of the seasons when the autumnal shades appear, and finally into the frosty blues of Winter. That season could probably do with a few more 'scapes actually, I shall work on that next. I still need to do one with the Northern Lights in it! A frosted Winter wood would be nice as well.

I really love working in this size and haven't yet grown tired of it, or feel the need to try something else at the moment. I am going with the flow and these little 5" (12cm) hoops feel right. So, do you have a favourite? Or any other scenes you would like to see?

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