How To's

Monday 5 March 2018

Tilly Tea Dance

I was surfing Pinterest the other day- love Pinterest, are you on it? It has ideas for everything and is jam packed of fabulous fashions, food, art, homewares, DIY, cute images, beautiful photos....there is nothing you cannot find there. Anyway, I was randomly swiping through things and came across a beautiful image of a felted landscape with a couple of adorable needle felted sheep happily living in it. One of the best things about Pinterest is that most of the images come from internet sites and are linked back to the page they came from. It's especially good for linking Etsy shop images so you can buy the items you come across, as was the case here! I clicked the image and ended up in the Etsy shop of Tilly Tea Dance, stuffed full of beautiful felted and embroidered art. In this modern age of being able to buy things just by clicking a couple of times on your phone, I found this beautiful framed piece in my basket, and then...ordered!!

I just had to share it with you chaps as I am now trying very hard to restrain myself from buying a couple more little frames to build up my flock. They even arrived safely through the snow!! Hardy little beggars. Anyway, Tilly Tea Dance (owned and created by Maxine Smith) is based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire and runs workshops and parties (if only I were nearer!!), details of which you can find on her website here. She also has a great Facebook page, and takes commissions alongside her Etsy shop which has been linked to above.


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