How To's

Friday 28 December 2012

Post Christmas Post

Christmas has been and gone in a whirlwind few days. The traditions, the food, the present opening, the leftovers, the torn wrapping paper, the playing with new toys, the trying to find places to put those new toys.... It completely exhausted the cat!

We had a lovely time with family- I actually feel like I get two Christmas days as we do a day at one Grandparent's and then a second at another Grandparent's, alternating who goes first each year.

A very successful flaming pudding there!!

I got some lovely presents- some fabulous textile books which I am thrilled about! (You know me and books).

From top left to right: Creative Recycling In Embroidery by Val Holmes, The Art of Embroidered Flowers by Gilda Baron, The Art of Embroidered Butterflies by Jane Hall.
And from bottom left: Stitch, Cloth, Shimmer & Shine by Sarah Lawrence, Creating Sketchbooks for Embroiderers and Textile Artists by Kay Greenlees.

So that is all very exciting!!! Having a textile book library that I can browse through at the beginning of new projects is really fantastic. The pictures just provide so much inspiration.

Mum has been working on her button collection whilst I've been away...

And I got LOTS of buttons for Christmas. They are so cute!! That jar there (below) is just full of painted wooden ones, and the red organza bag has gorgeous colourful plastic ones which are waiting to go into my button jar in Leicester.

Look at the snail!! So cute.

So I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and lots of presents, ate lots of good food and had a laugh. Next up..! New Year!!

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