How To's

Sunday 30 December 2012

Baby Crochet Steps

Last year, I asked if The Mother would like to be taught how to crochet and the reply was a pretty definite no. So imagine my surprise when a few days ago she mentioned that she would like me to teach her to crochet a heart pattern from the Simply Homemade magazine (Issue No.25).
Last night we finally sat down to do it, and after a few false starts and lots of unravelling we finally managed to get two decent looking heart shapes.

Mine is the turquoise one (although The Mother did the edging) and the pink one is The Mother's first attempt. Not bad eh?
She then got hugely inspired by the whole crochet shapes thing and went on to do another heart from the same pattern, and even hopped over to Attic24 and made Lucy's teeny tiny star and heart shapes.

Goodness knows what she is going to make next!

Whilst making the Simply Homemade version, we ended up adapting it quite a bit so I think I will do a tutorial for you all so that you can make them too!

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