How To's

Sunday 6 January 2013

ATC Catchup

Oh dear, I have been very lax in showing you the latest ATC swaps. My only excuse is that I've been busy and tend to receive them through the post, comment out loud how nice they are and then put them away in their respective folders, or stick them on the wall, and forget to photograph and show them to you all.
The card at the top there is a vintage fabric postcard from Sam. The background is needle punched felt with ribbons and threads in it so it feels fantastic! Whimsical is the word that comes to mind when looking at this piece.

Then below we have some returns from the lace swap.

(By Carol)

(By Debbie)                                               (By Liz)
And finally, my beach fabric postcard! I have already had mine from Wendy, and was due to send one to Debbie last month. I took it home to finish off and completely forgot all about it until I unpacked it again yesterday! So I spent last evening frantically sewing and snipping and envelope-ing and Lucy kindly posted it for me this morning. Hopefully it will be worth the wait!

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