How To's

Sunday 6 January 2013

New Beginnings

Ah, I titled this post and then realised it is also the name of the very first post I did in blogland! When I checked I also realised that in 4 days exactly I will have been a bloglet for 3 whole years!! It's funny because it doesn't sound very long yet writing a blog has become such a major part of my life, I can't imagine what I was doing before then!
I am reusing the title because it is the start of a new year, a new term, almost a new project and when looking out of the window into our little, mostly paved, garden, new plants!


They are popping up all over the place! Myself and Lucy did plant a load of bulbs last year in the hope that in the next few months our garden will be a colourful place to be, but as it is a new house and we are experiencing the seasons in it for the first time, there are probably hundreds of hidden plants that have yet to show themselves!

Dad also discovered some newcomers in a small flower bed outside the front door.

Although, now I think of it, they may have been there all along, just buried underneath the leaves.
Dad, very cheekily, uprooted one and planted it in my amaryllis pot!!

I am loving my windowsill at the moment. I even have a new addition to my ever growing plant collection!

The newbie is a Cineraria, bought from Morrisons for £1 (bargain!!!!). I just love the colour of the petals, they are so delicate- and from the looks of things, there are likely to be hundreds more!!

Other new things in my Sweetbriar room are a little wicker heart The Mother bought me for Christmas,...

...a saltdough owl bought from the Christmas market last year,...

...and a tiny elephant candle from Evolution that The Mother also bought me for Christmas.

(Sorry about the colour of those photos, the lighting in my room at the moment is terrible- so gloomy!- and I had to use flash, which didn't really help!)

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