How To's

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

Good morning All! I hope not too many of you are suffering from the effects of serious partying last night??
I can't believe we have had another whole year already!! It seems like yesterday we were welcoming in 2012 and now we are doing the same for 2013! This also means that in a few days time I will have been an official blog writer for 3 years! How time flies.
I now can't imagine my life without my blog, it is such a great way of documenting my life and all the little things I get up to, however mundane. (Also a great way for The Mother to keep an eye on the projects and makes I do whilst I'm away at university.)
Oo and before I go! I have started my new Mollie Makes calendar. I really love these calendars, the photos in them are so pretty! It has been designed by stylist Selina Lake who specialises in bright happy colours and beautiful photographs that bring a smile every time you walk past.

So I will leave you now to your celebrating (or recuperating) and wish you all the very best for 2013. Let's hope it is the best year ever!

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