How To's

Monday 14 January 2013

Snowy Felt Creations

We had some snow!! Not a lot. Certainly not enough to get really excited about but enough for it to be a welly day. It got quite heavy in the early afternoon but then the skies cleared and we had some sunshine which melted quite a lot of the snow!

The bell tower looks really lovely with its little snow cap.

All this cold weather makes for more time snuggled up inside in the warm making things. Randomly a bunch of my house mates and their friends decided they wanted to make felt elephants. It turned into a bit of a craft sesh- you may remember my lessons last year?

Mess everywhere! It made for some interesting design ideas....

The elephants they are making haven't all been finished yet although I will show you when they are. They are all very colourful and creative and there was lots of hard work and tongues sticking out in concentration. I decided to join in the fun too!


The sides are different colours!!

I was then hugely inspired to continue working in felt and as it is soon coming up to Valentine's Day, I decided to try my hand at heart making. What do you think of my little creation?

If you ask me very nicely I may consider putting the pattern on here for you all...but it has to be very nicely!!

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