How To's

Thursday 17 January 2013

To London To See The Queen

I had to go on an 'almost' spontaneous fabric shopping spree to London yesterday for some cotton organdie. It was a three hour coach trip and by the time we got there it was a lovely sunny day! We walked quite a distance past the palace and into China town, wandering through the frozen St. James' Park.



The pond in St. James' was frozen, much to the confusion of the resident water fowl!


There was the most fantastic window display in one of the souvenir shops- made completely out of large sequins!


There was a heater or a fan directly underneath the board so all the sequins were fluttering and moving. It looked amazing!

Following up from the elephant craft session that was started the other day, Tash made three and now finished them all, even starting some new ones for her friends.

There's a right production line going on!! And even some talk of designing a chameleon! All exciting stuff.

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