Monday, 7 August 2023

Birthday Trip to Nymans

My birthday celebrations continued with a trip to Nymans garden. It's a National Trust property that we go to quite frequently (being members it's a great way to take Baby F out to lots of different places and poor Reece gets dragged through the gardens with me exclaiming over all of the trees and flowers and mushrooms or whatever happens to be there). 
I love to revisit these gardens at different times during the year to see how they change, and we will go in all weathers (not that Reece enjoys that so much) if I can get there. Luckily on this day the weather was really fine and warm so it was lovely to be out and about with extended family. 

Taking smalls out with us is quite eye opening as well. Baby F in particular sits in his buggy wiggling his bottom and kicking his legs and just saying 'wow' at everything, pointing at trees and birds and interesting bushes. As a parent I try and point out lots of interesting things and let him hold sticks and leaves and try to teach him to be gentle with flowers - not that it always works as he is still trying to eat everything. Sniffing is a strange thing to try and teach. 
The Hydrangeas were amazing, especially with the water droplets from recent rains lingering on the petals. 

It was dry enough to let the little ones roam around on the grass for a little bit, especially now ours bottom shuffles everywhere. He does not stay still and I'm endlessly washing trousers with little grubby patches on the bottom. 
We didn't go through the house this time (last time we went there was a chap playing the piano), focusing more on the garden and the beautiful planting. There's a new café at the back of the house in the old stables so we stopped for lunch there, sitting outside in the courtyard in the sunshine. It's such a nice place to sit. 

My absolute favourite part of Nymans is the walled garden. It's at the back of the house and has the most amazing central walkway through it with little offshoots to the edges of the garden with orchards and 'wild' bits, but the walkway is planted with incredible flowers. I took so many photos! The colours are amazing and there are lots of structural plants, some of which were taller than me - lovely blue thistles, bright pink dahlias, orange echinacea and many others I can't name. 
I don't know of a better way to end a birthday week of celebration. Keep scrolling for more delicious photos!

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