Happy New Year friends!
I hope that you have all had a wonderful festive period, however you choose to celebrate. Were you all up partying last night or were you like us and in bed at 10pm? I did stay awake until midnight to say hello to the new year but I was the only one conscious so it was a very quiet "Happy New Year" moment - apart from all of the snoring around me.
I don't make resolutions as such but I do have some wishes that I would like to try to make happen in 2025; some new adventures, places to visit and routines to start. I'm also going to try and go a bit easier on myself. I wear many hats and have many plates to juggle and I found myself getting a bit lost in it all last year, feeling a bit alone with everything that suddenly appeared on my to do lists, overwhelmed and frustrated. I think I hide it well and outwardly appear to have it all under control but it is bottled up inside, fizzing away until something gives and the thing giving way is usually me and my wants. My aim is to try and not take on as much - which I find difficult as I like to be involved in lovely things and find myself offering for roles or tasks almost by accident - or to ask more for help where I can. We shall see!
It's been a pretty quiet first day of 2025 for us. Usually we all meet up in a big family group and have a big lunch, almost like a repeat of Christmas but without the gift giving, but this year various family members were already promised to meet with others so my parents were just going to come to us for a roast dinner but now The Mother isn't very well so it's back to me, Reece, Baby F and the cat ringing in the new year by ourselves.
These photos are from a couple of weeks ago when we took the smalls to one of our usual haunts, Sheffield Park. The weather was unexpectedly beautiful. Chilly but sunny with gorgeous blue sky and we took full advantage to get out as it's been so dismal and wet. As I type today it's pouring with rain, dark, and windy as we are finishing off a hurricane from somewhere. Not nice at all .
Sheffield Park now has peacocks roaming the grounds as well which is rather exciting! They aren't as friendly as the ducks, who will eat out of your hand, but we might get some fun displays from the boys - or some pretty feathers to collect over the summer!
There was a winter trail based on The Snowman which we whizzed round as we'd gone rather late in the day. There were big snowmen cleverly painted on the themes of the 12 days of Christmas, little wooden snowmen of the one from The Snowman books and film, and then extra little fun bits for children to explore, and some of the trees had music coming from them! It is such a beautiful place and I feel really lucky to have it so close to us.
We didn't get time to come here during toadstool season to really look for the different varieties that pop up across the site - but I still managed to sniff out these beauties!
It's been nice to have evenings where I'm not writing Christmas cards, wrapping presents, checking lists, getting last minute presents, cooking biscuits, finishing up end of term reports and business etc to sit and stitch! The cat enjoys these evenings too I think, just me and him on the sofa. Usually he's sleeping in strange positions but occasionally his kitten-ness comes out and he gets in trouble for chasing/stealing threads or trying to squeeze himself inside my project bag.
The themes and prompts for this year's Stitchscape swap is up and ready for you on my website, here. All are welcome to join in - even if you don't want to actually join in with the swapping you can still make your own little cards based on the themes and participate in the challenge of them in that way.
Potentially there are some new events and opportunities coming up in 2025 - there is already quite a list on my website. I had an online meeting with a new gallery and workshop space about a series of workshops further in the year from Easter which I am waiting to here back about, there's possibly an exhibition that I've been talking about to have in collaboration with another textile artist, and I have today started sorting out some selling events and have applied to a couple of craft events so we'll see where that goes! Thank you to everyone who made 2024 such a great year for Dotty Textiles; invited me to workshops, came to workshops and listened at talks, sent me pictures of their pieces, purchased from Etsy or my website, left a lovely review, joined in the Stitchscape swap, passed on my details to a friend or followed me online. All of it is so appreciated!
Cheers to 2024, and hello to 2025!