Wednesday 8 October 2014

Starting Up Again

Afternoon All. I have been enjoying my day off today- which also happens to be The Brother's birthday (Happy Birthday The Brother!). It has been a quite pootle-y sort of day, with a little bit of hoovering, tidying, watering the plants- and noting with glee that my Christmas Cactus is about to do its thing and start exploding with hot pink flowers again!! I've had this little plant since Christmas 2011 and it has done marvelously well considering all the travelling it has done between university houses and East Sussex. It usually has two rounds of flowers a year and I'm hoping for a good crop this time as I have re-potted it and treated it to some cactus fertiliser.

I have also started up my Sew and Stitch again. The last time I worked on one of these squares was in June with a lighthouse square. Things then got a bit hectic if you will remember, with the show in London, graduation, birthday, two holidays and a new job, so the piles of magazines and fabrics have just been getting higher and higher. I think I am about 20 squares behind now and The Mother has been steaming ahead! She has even started putting squares together and attaching borders. Now though I think I am settled enough to carry on and will probably alternate this project with my hexagon patchwork. So much stitchery!

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