Thursday 24 March 2022

Sheffield Park


I am very much enjoying being on holiday/maternity leave at the moment. Walking is not really my friend at the minute but a slow meander around Sheffield Park to feed the ducks in the sunshine this week was definitely a kind of medicine! 
This National Trust park looks amazing no matter what the weather or time of year, there's always something new to find or look at, although it's probably most renowned for its Autumn outfit which is reflected in the most beautiful way in the different ornamental ponds. Quite often in October you will be tripping over keen artists and photographers as they all try and capture the amazing colours. 

The house is no longer part of the grounds and has been converted into private flats but it must have been absolutely splendid in its day! I would dearly love to have a nose around the building as it currently is - but as the flats sell for several million each, it's unlikely that I'll ever get to have a peek!

Our main reason for visiting was specifically to feed the ducks as requested by my nephew. The Mother often takes him out duck feeding and we have a huge tub of special duck/swan pellets which are easy to throw for a nearly-two year old. He's not talking in sentences yet but when he manages to lug this great heavy bucket from one side of the house to the other, dumping it in front of you and get the message!! 
We didn't walk very far and stayed mainly around the top pond, visiting the little tea shack for a hot chocolate and then later on the cafe for a cheese scone (delicious!). 

As with many of these beautiful gardens, much of the focus is on viewpoints through the garden. Little vistas that lead you on to other areas, like secret rooms that are hidden from view until you reach that one window that reveals the wonders beyond. The ponds here are staggered down the hill and eventually lead to a huge lake with massive carp fish in it!

If you're in the area and get a chance to visit I would definitely recommend it. This is our closest National Trust property and, as we are all members, we visit often throughout the year. Sometimes it's packed with visitors and other times it's like you have the place to yourself!

At the moment it's stuffed full of Daffodils of all different kinds which are just so beautiful! In a few weeks the Rhododendrons will also all flower - there are many varieties grown here, cultivated by a past owner and it's stunning when they are all in bloom. 
This is very definitely one of my happy places. 

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