Wednesday 19 April 2023


Can you believe Baby F is one year old already? I'm not sure I'm fully believing it myself - it seems only yesterday that I was writing the post to announce that he had arrived! I'm playing catch up with blog writing so I'm behind but this year his birthday fell on Easter Saturday and we had a little egg hunt for him and my nephew - in fact, we had several egg hunts as the joy was in finding them all and as soon as they'd been found, someone had to go and hide them again! 
My sister hosted the party at her house and we put out a wonderful spread, lots of fun coloured fruits and veggies in a safari theme (thank you to Pinterest for the inspiration); a snake made out of cucumber, a pepper and hummus lion, kiwi turtles.... My SIL made amazing Easter cookies and chocolate carrot cupcakes (the carrots were actually strawberries covered in chocolate!) and it was just a really fun, simple day with lots of smiles. 

We spent Easter Sunday at home but all of Reece's family came and squeezed into our tiny flat for their turn to celebrate Fin's birthday. (Reece has six siblings so with all of their families that's quite a few bodies to come through the door!) Finley has been very spoiled with new toys, new sleeping bags, new towels, plates, cups, balloons, books, clothes.... 
It's amazing how quickly he is growing out of things - both clothes and toys as he is growing and developing his little mind. It's a fantastic thing to watch, the little cogs whirring and ticking in his brain as he figures out how to open and shut things, spin things, fit things together - in size order, press buttons... he loves books and will sit and 'read' them himself for ages, turning the pages and moving the moving parts, examining it from all angles. I hope he'll stay a thoughtful, patient kid who likes to learn and know stuff - and I really hope we'll be able to have all of the answers and be able to help him further his knowledge!
Thank you to everyone for his birthday well wishes. 

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