Monday 5 December 2011

Snibston Discovery Park

Today was a bit of a different day as I went to Snibston Discovery Park in Coalville (along with the majority of my textile class). Apparently it has the largest fashion collection and archive outside of London which is quite impressive. We went there to try and glean some inspiration for one of our current projects 'Obsessions'. Not sure how well that went, although I have come away with loads of photos of rusty trains so I suppose that could be an obsession.
We were supposed to be drawing, although I admit that I absolutely hate drawing in museums and galleries etc- I'd much rather take photos of the object from all different angles and then draw from the photo, at my leisure, in comfort, in my own home- without random people peering over your shoulder to see what you have done. It's a bit like having someone watch you whilst you are texting a friend, not nice. Still, I did manage to get a few done just to please the tutors- most will be done in my own time at home though.

I did manage to get some interesting photos of rust, like I said before. Snibston is set in an old coal mine (hence the name Coalville) and there were quite a few old, rusting trains still about outside.

It was quite sad really.

The main reason for going there though wasn't the rusty trains outside, but the beautiful vintage pieces of clothing and accessories which we had arranged to have a private view and feel of. All very exciting as apparently all of them could have fallen apart any second! Some of the techniques used were quite interesting though.

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