I haven't been particularly good at keeping my blog up to date lately and have a bit of a backlog of images to catch up with. As well as sharing my embroidery, techniques and finished stitchscapes, I also like to use my blog as a bit of a creative diary that I can look back on and collect images and memories of holidays and days out with the family. Hopefully you don't mind this little bit of self-indulgence, especially when it gets slightly repetitive as I revisit my favourite places over and over. I find it amazing though how a place can change through the years, and I still find different little bits to photograph. At the same time there is comfort in the things that do stay the same.
I have been spending a lot more time in Lewes recently as I was completing my work with the-stitchery creating our lovely little kits(!) and I popped down there for brunch on my birthday last week. Therefore, I managed to spend lots more time wandering around the cute little shops and moseyed on down to Southover Grange Gardens- a delight of a place tucked away behind the railway station and my regular dentist recovery spot. You can get married in the Grange itself (should you so desire) and there is a cafe and a shop for The Sussex Guild as well as beautifully maintained gardens.
Although the grass is looking slightly worse for wear with the lack of rain we've had recently, the flowers are vibrant and beautiful. A gorgeous mix of colours set out in the planned and formal gardens.
One of my favourite flower beds at this time of year is the Dahlia bed (Mr Heggardy would also enjoy this bit I think!) although when I went a couple of weeks ago, it wasn't fully out yet- I imagine if the watering has been kept up it will look rather fantabulous about now! The strange panoramic photo (that's iPhones for you) makes it look like it bends around, the flower bed is a straight and lengthy row of every type of Dahlia going in pretty much every available colour. It really is a fantastic display!
There is a walled garden as well which is very peaceful. Amazing really when you are in the heart of Lewes, a train line running on one side and surrounded on all four sides with roads and schools and houses- you can barely hear any of it when inside the gardens. Magical.
In the spring, these boxed beds are full of tulips! Have a look at my post from April last year to see the garden in the Spring- there were tulips everywhere! See what I mean about using the blog as a visual diary? I just search for my previous posts and immerse myself in the past! It's a rabbit hole I occasionally fall down and I end up reading all about what I got up to five or so years ago, especially as I have been blog writing for eight years now.
There are so many lovely little bits in this mosaic. You could spend hours gazing at it and notice all sorts of different things crammed in there. I don't appear to have caught it in these photos but there was a tiny little ceramic painting of the Virgin Mary in one bit!
As well as the formal garden, walled garden, open grassland, wild meadow, canal (totally dried out of course at this time of year! In Autumn it is full of pampass grass- see this post from September 2015) there is a rose garden and also a bit of a rockery which fills up with Heather. Every corner is a new delight! It's definitely worth a look if you are ever in the area. I often take a little bit of sewing with me and have a particular bench that I like to sit on with a takeaway coffee and a snack. I could quite happily sit there for hours and hours watching the world go by for it is a popular place, especially with Mums and small children - " But darling, don't pick the flowers!"
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